My two container tomato plants are both Brandywine variety -- and doing quite nicely. This is the first report from me for the Great Tomato Contest, sponsored by Dr. Charles, and there is incredible competition from some incredible gardeners. Frankly, I'm going to be thrilled if I actually get tomatoes off the vine -- while I love the tomatoes from the Farmers Market, they aren't quite the same as from your own garden.
But I do have buds!

Great tomatoes! I'm so glad you are participating. There really is nothing like a homegrown tomato.
Hi Robin Andrea -- there really is nothing like it. And heirlooms are incredible!
Hi DPR -- thank you. I'm very happy to see it growing, because my container mini roses are dead and gone.
Brandywine are my FAVORITE tomatoes. I hope yours do well!
Thanks Liz! fingers crossed. Watering can at ready.
I adore fresh tomatoes! They are quite simply my favorite vegetable (though I know technically they're a fruit). In fact - I eat a tomato every day - if not off the vine, then in home-made sauce. I put it on everything. I hope all the lycopene does me a world of good. Your plants look great! And Brandywine is a delicious variety. I like big, fleshy tomatoes - my hubby prefers his smaller.
TFLS, they are so good off the vine! Just, the best.
Thank goodness I'm not the only one without an actual tomato yet :) Nice to have some company in that regard. So far, it seems everybody has little maters already!
Oh, echo mouse, we are failing in the 'maters category. So sad.
Growing Brandywines in San Pedro? You are brave. It gets cold in San Pedro in the summertime! Keeping my fingers crossed that your 'maters are thriving and you're too busy eating them to post the update.
Molly, they died. Dead as doornails. I think they just got too thirsty during the heat spell and I could not keep up with them in their containers.
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