This is crayon on paper. I thought color might help my mood. It didn't. We had a lunch meeting at work today, the owner of the agency came in to see us in our office (he's usually at the main office). We talked about "An Inconvenient Truth" and actually how what we do for a living contributes to global warming. I am tied with another agent as the top luxury cruise agent -- we put a lot of people on a lot of cruises. And from a vacation standpoint, it's great. However, those gigantic ships get about 1 foot to the gallon. I'm talking about the floating cities. Every time an airplane takes off, it's polluting the atmosphere with greenhouse gasses.
I'm torn between wanting to leave my job, sell my home and go live on a farm and paint; and being a responsible grown up. So I'm in a bad mood. It will pass. What I really would like is balance between art, work, and activism.
I'm a big proponent of selling the house, giving up the job, and moving to the farm. That's exactly what we did. dpr has Social Security, and I have a small pension from the university. We have scraped together enough money to live comfortably, but absolutely not extravagantly or luxuriously. If you can possibly do it, I highly recommend it. You might have to give up traveling (it's very expensive), but on the other hand, you wouldn't be contributing to the pollution of the planet. If you really can get out, do it!
I like the colors in the self portrait.
robin andrea, it is a dream. I'm putting away money; right now it's a matter of putting away money. In a few years, I am going to ask to work remotely -- once that happens, I move out of LA to a better area. It's just not today.
I love that portrait, DJ.
Thanks Alicia. I realized today that when I photograph the drawing, I'm just slightly out of focus - and my eyes are so bad I can't tell until it's posted on the blog! How's that for ridikulus?
I love your serie of self-portraits. What a neat idea.
Begonia, it's a real problem for me professionally. I mean, I can't tell people to just stay home -- although the guy who wanted a cruise to Bhutan really should not leave his house -- but we need a more efficient way to move airplanes and cruise ships.
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