Such a face. I want to eat her up!

Tormenting Doggie. She loves her doggie. She sings "doggie, doggie, day, doggie doggie day" every morning.
Journeys: of the mind, heart, soul. Also, pack your bags, grab your passport, and hit the road. Politics, art, travel, humor, meanderings, whatever comes to mind.
Oh perfect! Perfect, perfect, perfect! What a beautiful child. There are things we all need in order to survive our era - and lovely children are number one on that list. Thanks for sharing, honey.
Lovely little one, what a joy to spend time with our grandchildren. We don't see ours nearly often enough. I envy people who live near their kids. BTW, what kind of dog is that? It looks like a Canaan dog.
A true cutie pie :)
TFLS, she is the joy of my life. And she's the continuation of why I am an activist for peace.
Mrsgreenthumb, thank you. I don't see her often enough either, we are cross-country. The dog is a Lab/German Shepard mix, and she's almost 12.
POP, thank you.
That's one very cute grand-daughter and a very patient and good dog.
lulu maude, thanks. I adore her.
Robin Andrea, Doggie is very patient. She knows that Beanie will give her treats (no adult will, because Doggie is alergic to everything.)
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