On Wednesday, I was on the phone with my daughter. Bean was in the background, chattering away. I asked daughter to put her on the phone. Beanie said nothing. So I sang "I'm a little teapot" to her. When finished, she said "Agin, agin, agin!" So I sang again. She said "Agin, agin, agin!" SO I sang a third time. Beanie put the phone down and clapped her hands.
It was the very first time she spoke on the phone!
she is such a cutie. i am going out on a limb and say that it was hard for you to leave your visit.
How fun, hearing her speak on the phone. I love her pink.
I think that little beanie has definitely won your heart in a very big way. Sweet photograph of the two of you.
Aww... I bet your daughter had to take a crowbar to ya to pry you off of Beanie at the airport. So sweet to see Beanie's bubbee showing her the world.
Here's our weekend plan with BabyGirl: Saturday morning: chili will be started in the crock pot. We will then take a 40 min drive to a nearby pumpkin farm that has miles of pumpkins and you can walk thru their farm and see the animals (we go every yr). After picking a few pumpkins, we're gonna go home and paint faces on the pumpkins and glue all kinds of colorful fall leaves on them (which we collected from our backyard) to give the pumpkins some gorgeous hair, topped off with plenty of glitter glue to make their hair oh-so glamorous. Hot bowls of chili and crackers will be eaten as we sit next to the fireplace. Hopefully, a looong group nap will follow in front of the fire. I know.... we're an ambitious bunch, no?
Betmo, good call! I just miss her every day of the week.
Karena, I dig her shoes. I bought her three pair of shoes - the ones she's wearing in the photo, a pink pair, and sneakers. Would have gotten the black patent leathers with pink trim too, but they didn't have her size. Diva in training.
Robin Andrea, when we were in the Waterfall Garden either my daughter or I had to hold her because otherwise she'd go right into the water to play. She decided hand holding was good, because it meant 1-2-3 UPSEDAISY
Tina, I assume BabyGirl helps to MAKE the chili, yes? That sounds like a good plan, chili, and the pumpkin farm. Someone sent me a photo of a really fat person who had painted a pumpkin on his ass, and said it was Dennis Hastert's halloween costume. I laughed so hard, I almost choked. Anyway, your weekend plan sounds great. I myself am off to central California with all my female cousins for a weekend at a spa.
I came over here because it's Friday and I wanted to see cute grandbaby photos and you didn't let me down. First of many, many, many phone conversations, I bet.
What a doll she must be. I wish I had grand daughters to teach to sew and quilt...but alas it is not to be apparently. I don't know to whom I will leave my quilts and the antique ones that I have inherited. Oh well...you certainly are fortunate...and I know you are aware of it everyday. I'm happy for ya!
Patricia, she loves the phone. She eats it. She breathes at it. She pushes the buttons. But this was the first time she spoke on it.
Fred, how's studying by osmosis working for ya?
Sumo, adopt me! I love quilts. I used to have the most gorgeous antique quilt, it was a "Rose of Sharon" pattern, and it was circa 1860. Just gorgeous. It was ruined in a flood. Beyond salvaging. Not a flood like from a hurricane. No. A flood from an upstairs neighbor's pipe that burst. My condo was ankle deep with water before she got her water turned off.
I LOVE IT when they first discover talking on the "foam" (as my niece called it). Soooo cuuuute. Now my niece won't - she's 6, and she's got better things to do than talk to lil' ol' me. But that's the niece that lives here. The ones in Chicago & Seattle will chat my ear off, I love it!
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