Hat tip to Tina at Fuzzy and Blue for letting us know about John Dean's new book, Conservatives without Conscience. Dean's testimony during the Watergate hearings was, in my opinion, the most riviting television I'd ever experienced. Now, with this book, he describes how Conservative politics has been essentially hijacked by "double high authoritarians": self-righteous, mean-spirited, amoral, manipulative, bullying. He concludes that Chuck Colson, Pat Robertson, Newt Gingrich, and Tom DeLay are all textbook examples. Dean calls Vice-President Cheney "the architect of Bush's authoritarian policies," and deems Bush "a mental lightweight with a strong right-wing authoritarian personality."
I urge people to purchase this book, along with another of Dean's books, Worse Than Watergate.

From Publishers Weekly
This title’s accusation bears particular weight coming from the man who warned the super-secretive Richard Nixon that there was a cancer on his presidency, and Dean, who was Nixon’s White House counsel, makes a strong argument that the secrecy of what he dubs the "Bush-Cheney presidency" is "not merely unjustified and excessive but obsessive," and consequently "frighteningly dangerous."
A little light summer reading? Not this week.
I read "Worse than Watergate" when it came out. Scared me big time then. Now we are living with the results he warned about and that is a sort of hell. I will definately read his book as soon as I finish these last few pages of "The One Percent Doctine" which is also a MUST READ.
I just ordered both books today, and The One Percent Doctrine is also on my list. We are in big, big trouble.
In case you're interested, John Dean is going to be interviewed tonight on Jon Stewart's Daily Show. Stewart really does good political interviews. It may only be five or six minutes, but it will be worth watching.
Yes, we are in big, big trouble. I'm not sure we're going to be able to get out of it.
the gaelic starover(at my site) has a post about this too jood. check it out if you want. oh and fyi- over at spooky's site- kira is rude.
Robin, I still hope we'll get out of it.
betmo, I'll check out the gaelic starover, and what happened at spooky's site? have to look!
betmo, I found what kira said. And, against my better judgment, I said "I dunno. WWKD?" because I am, first last and always, a Diva. Who put the bug up her butt?
Just looked at the gaelic starover's post. Thanks for the tip. This book is probably mandatory reading.
she always has a bug up her butt. just warning you. any who don't adhere to her ideas.
Glenda, I will never forget how his testimony during Watergate felt. He knew they'd all broken the law, and, as a Conservative WITH a conscience, he stepped up and told the truth.
Betmo, I guess. I half wish I'd ignored her comment, but no, I had to get snarky right back at her. :P
I went to Borders yesterday to get it, but I guess it's not in stores yet. I'll order it. Really dying to read it.
Alicia, I ordered mine through Amazon.com, and also "Worse than Watergate" and qualified for free shipping. Two books for $25, not bad!
Watergate...gone are the good old days!
Sumo, who knew that we'd wish Nixon was in office? I'd rather Richard Nixon than the cabal in power now.
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