After the beach, and lunch, and a nap, Beanie and her mommy went to the Farm in the Zoo. Here she's getting a goat kiss. My daughter said Ellie was laughing. She had a very busy day. On the phone, Beanie told me all about it. She said "Jable nerdernerder nerder" and threw the phone away to wave her hands.
Lucky to have such sweetness. I enjoy these pics very much. They are a nice time out...if you know what I mean.
sumo, thank you. I do know what you mean. She is the reason I'm so vocal about wanting peaceful solutions. D'ya love the hat hair, though?
left you a comment at my place :) cute as a button- as usual.
Hat hair?... feh!... lil Divas in training are allowed to have such days.
And I vote for slapping on some sunscreen-- I'll gather up BabyGirl-- and we all meet up with Beanie at the beach for some fun in the sun.
She is just precious, Diva!
Betmo, I just want to eat her up.
Tina, she's slathered in SPF 50, along with hat, and cover up. And I'm so ready for a beach day.
Alicia, thank you! She refused to talk to me on the phone today. Her mommy handed her the phone and she made her best rusty door noise.
I bet that sand felt really warm and nice. Smart kid, huh?
Hi Diva
Beanie IS a cutie and speaks more sense than most politicians.
I've linked to your blog - thanks for doing so as well.
Glenda, I Grandbaby Blog every Friday because I don't have a cat. If you post your Granddaughter, we will have to simply coo and awww at each other's photos. Beats thinking about the horrible disaster that Bush has created for us.
Karena, she's a genius. I'm certain she will be the next rocketscientistchiefjusticepresidentcomedianartist.
Pete, she has her own special language. She tells herself jokes, and then laughs, and laughs. Ages ago, I posted a photo of Bush with a tupperware ball that he couldn't figure out -- Beanie could do it, but he's President. Thanks for linking! I like your blog.
Total cuteness! I can see why you love posting the pics. It is a nice change of pace. I myself need to put my furry baby up more often. Just 'cause she's so damn gorgeous.... not that I'm biased or anything.
She is just darlin'! I think her quote means "I think W stinks"
Helen Wheels, Since I don't have a dog, or a cat, it's Friday Grandbaby blogging for me. Then I get to look at her when I should be working.
Sue, she hates Shrub; if he ever had his picture taken with her, she'd be screaming away.
I'd scream MY fool head off if that monster got anywhere near me!
Awww, had to look at the pics again. Babie in a sandhill. You can't beat that for cuteness. Unless it's Baby with sweet lil' goats!
Helen, I thank you - she is just the love of my life. Nothing like a grand kid to make a gal happy.
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