There was a turtle by the name of Bert
And Bert the Turtle was very alert
When danger threatened him he never got hurt
He knew just what to do
He'd duck and cover, duck and cover
He'd hide his head and tail and four little feet
He'd duck and cover!
He hid beneath his little shell until the coast was clear
Then one by one his head and tail and legs would reappear
By acting calm and cool he proved he was a hero, too
For finding safety is the bravest wisest thing to do
And now his little friends are just like Bert
And every turtle is very alert
When danger threatens them they never get hurt
They know just what to do
They duck and cover, duck and cover
They hide their heads and tails and four little feet
They duck and cover!
He hid beneath his little shell until the coast was clear
Then one by one his head and tail and legs would reappear
By acting calm and cool he proved he was a hero, too
For finding safety is the bravest wisest thing to do
And now his little friends are just like Bert
And every turtle is very alert
When danger threatens them they never get hurt
They know just what to do
They duck and cover, duck and cover
They hide their heads and tails and four little feet
They duck and cover!
They duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, and cover
(Dick "Two Ton" Baker, 1953)
Why focus on a real threat, when oil drives an illegal war in Iraq? Why focus on a real threat, when we can worry about building a fence across the Mexico/US border? Why focus on a real threat, when we can worry about whether or not Gays & Lesbians should be allowed to marry? Why focus on a real threat, when we can just duck, and cover?
Those of us bloggers on the West Coast will blog with our new found "radiant" glow.
right on divajood!
Hey, our country is going to protect us west coasters with a missile shield. It's a great idea. It costs a lot of money, someone will get rich, and we've got a nice new enemy. No need for diplomacy now. Stay the course.
Because we re-elected the Decider.
That sums it up quite well as far as I'm concerned.
North Korea shot themselves in the foot, but they did manage to let the Bushco crew know that they can be just as ruthless and cunning as the U.S. government is. Watch, Bush will call it an act of aggression while pointing one finger at them and the rest at himself. Your poem is perfect, by the way.
Well if I were a Kool-Aid guzzler I'd look at this situation this way: Since I have green eyes, that green glow may, in fact, look lovely.
Jeeze, it never ends does it? As you blue state libs get fried by N Korean missiles, my fellow red state libs get to have mandatory chastity belts bolted on and all privacy rights taken away. No matter where we are in this nation, we really just keep getting bent over by these idiots and wingnuts, no?
Work got really in the way of blogging today. Been busier than a one-armed wall-paper hanger.
Betmo: all of us on the Left Coast will be toast. Unless we "Duck, and Cover."
Robin Andrea: that's a great idea. We could make a fortune -- designer missle shields.
Yoga: I didn't elect the Decider, ever. He snuck in through the back door.
Sumo: I really really love the heart flag. Nice change.
Peacechick Mary: The song, "Bert The Turtle" was written by Two-Ton Baker in 1953, to go with this film, "Duck and Cover." Many of us grew up on this film, which told us what to do in the event of an air raid. Just, duck, and cover. If you haven't seen it, find it. It is TRULY hilarious. The song was SERIOUS! Baker meant every word!
Tina: What flavor should we mix? Green eyes, green skin, Green Kool-Aid! Yippee. Yes, we do.
did you see the South Park episode where everyone in town literally buries their head in the sand?! And the last person to bury the person next to them must 'sacrafice' and not have their own head buried in the sand. brilliant....
I'm bad. I don't watch South Park. I have more excuses why than you can imagine.
I love South Park! I can't believe what they get away with.
I only hope, DivaJood, that the nice radiant glow makes us look 10-20 years younger, just before we disintegrate.
Cut & Run, Duck & Cover, it's all the same. And usually if those accusations are hurled at the Democrats that means the GOP is guilty of it themselves.
Helen Wheels, d'ya think the radiant glow will be better than microdermabrasion? I mean, who needs skin, right?
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