The image is an anti-war rally in Israel. Young and old, Israelis are anti-war.
Uri Avnery writes about the tragedy in the Middle East:
Death, destruction. Unimaginable human suffering.
And the most disgusting sight: George Bush in a playful mood sitting on his chair in St. Petersburg, with his loyal servant Tony Blair leaning over him, and solving the problem: "See? What they need to do is get Syria to get Hizbullah to stop doing that shit, and it's over."
Thus spake the leader of the world, and the seven dwarfs - "the great of the world" - say Amen.
SYRIA? BUT only a few months ago it was Bush - yes, the same Bush - who induced the Lebanese to drive the Syrians out of their country. Now he wants them to intervene in Lebanon and impose order?
We have no coherent foreign policy. Hell, this administration has no policy other than the political shenanigans to be re-elected. These are the scariest times I've ever lived in. George Bush is a child playing with matches, and he has set the world on fire.
Robin Andrea, we're of the same generation - and it is truly the scariest time I've experienced, too. Have you seen the "Yo Tony, Let's get Syria to stop this shit" videos? He's chomping away, open mouthed, on an open micraphone, clueless. Or the "Merkle Grope" video, where he gives her an impromptu back rub and she jumps, clearly apalled at his actions? I just get sick to my stomach over the disaster this idiot has led us to.
He looked like a horse chewing on carrots. Apparently he forgot the manners he learned at Andover and Yale. And now Bill Kristol and Rush Limbaugh are cheerleading for the US to bomb Iran!
Ditto Glenda!
DivaJood-- I saw both videos. The man is an utter buffoon, an uncouth barbarian, and an embarrassment. Did you read Maureen Dowd today in the New York Times? She really captures his fratboy moronic Presidency. He is appalling.
one can only hope that the compassionate and common sensers in israel can take back their country. we here in america aren't having much luck yet. i hope that the msm runs with these images- but i have a feeling that they won't have the balls to go up against the powerful lobby groups here in america.
Agi, I think Shrub skipped the etiquitte classes in school. I wonder if he asked Tony if they could go pee off a balcony to see who pees farthest. (I raised a son, that's how I know about those things.
Glenda & BZ, just as it is wrong to equate all Americans with the insane government, so it is wrong to equate all Israelis with who is currently in charge, or all Palestinians with the militants who get young men to strap bombs to their waists; or Lebanon with Hezbollah. Not the same things at all.
Robin Andrea, I missed Maureen Dowd this morning - I was once again late for work because I blogged instead of getting ready in a timely fashion. But, yes, Bush is a pig and an embarrassment, and highly dangerous.
Betmo, photos like this won't make the MSM.
Sadly, the way these anti-war demonstrators are portrayed by our corporate whore media is by referring to these people as "leftist Israelis". Well, that must include Olmert's own daughter Dana b/c she was leading a pack of anti-war protestors over the bombing that took place on the beach a few wks ago that killed those Palestinians that got the whole ball rolling. Now if only she can persuade her dad to see the light...
LINK: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3261125,00.html
Tina, thanks for the link. Pressure on Olmert from the outside is strong.
But what happens if Israel does withdraw? What happens in a cease-fire? Will Hamas and Hezbollah start rebuilding? Probably not. They will continue to lob rockets at Israel, and will continue to strap bombs onto the bodies of young men who then walk onto crowded busses in Israel, blowing themselves and Israelis into oblivion.
In that respect, the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah are not very different from Bush, Cheney, Rove and Rummy - the ChickenHawks who give orders, but avoid combat. These Arab leaders hide behind their beards, their Koran, and they send young men and women to "martyrdom" while they sit in comfort elsewhere. Olmert differs from previous Israeli PMs because he's never seen combat either. From the comfort of their respective Ivory Towers, THESE are the people who have brought everyone else to the brink of disaster.
Glenda's right about him being a Jackass...full of an awful sound and not much more. Wouldn't it feel good to get a good crack at Bab's for spawning this thing?
Sumo, I don't think we can go after Mumsy Babs at all. Pity. As a mother, had he been mine, I'd track him down at this point.
That food chomping with mouth wide open and ignorant comment about "Stop that shit," was far worse then frat boy. It reminded me of some kind of gathering of rednecks gone wild. I was waiting for him to fart or flick a bugger or use his armpit to fart out the Star Spangled Banner or pick his teeth and then put whatever he pulled out back in his mouth. When is he going to just grab Kofi Annan, bend him over and tell him to squeel like a pig? We need some banjo music here. Jeez.
Karena, I told you, he's not housebroken. He pees off balconies, I'm sure of it. And why tell Kofi Annan to bend over, when he's got all of the American People? (Yo, Blue States: it was good for me, who gives a shit if it was good for you.)
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