My plants are not doing so well. They are tall, but lots of brown leaves, and the flowers are still flowers, not little tomatoes. I think I'm killing my tomato plants and don't know why.
And for the eat local summer challenge, I haven't been home for a meal since it began. What a week I've had. I need to slow down.
Water! I've not been watering daily, and they are in direct sun. Thanks, DPR, I will start giving them more water. Sometimes I can be so, well, blond.
my plants are not doing very well either- i tend to stick to houseplants only. i have lost at least 3 indoor rosebushes and 2 other plants. normally i have a great green thumb with my house plants but not this summer. maybe it is all of the humidity we have been getting here in new york so far. it has also been hot. some do fine and others- not so much. hang in there. perhaps they will rally :)
Betmo, It's been a hot summer here in Los Angeles, too, and it's only just begun. Unseasonably hot by the ocean, we never got our June Gloom -- and the Republicans say Global Warming is a myth.
I hope my plants recover!
I'd generally say too much water, though yours look like they're growing in pots and my experience is in the ground. If they grow too thick, the inner leaves and stalks will tend to die off later in the season. There's nothing you can do about that except maybe thin them before that happens.
Max, thanks. I haven't been watering daily, so I think in containers that DPR is right. Who knows, at this point?
I grow mine in pots, too, in the direct sun. I water heavily all day, as the dirt if pots evaporates quickly, depending on the pot (my are clay). I think Roger's got something: fertilizer. they look a little spindly to me and may need some extra food. Are you planting in a good potting mix? Tomoatoes love their nitrogen.
tdharma: I put them in a good potting soil mix, and I also use tomato food. They look happier today with more water; I think I was just not giving them enough water. When I lived in Chicago, and had a yard, I didn't have to water my plants daily -- especially during June & July, which got a lot of rain. A daily adjustment to live in LA.
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