"Our country is not the only thing to which we owe our allegiance. It is also owed to justice and to humanity. Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong." – James Bryce

So but you can
And my gramma read Pagan Sphinx today who said everybody shud read THIS post by Forks Off The Moment which tells us all to DO something. Which we try to do. I mean, how can we be really free when we allow the bad prezilnet to lie and cheat and torture and act like a dicktater?
Happy Independence Day. Maybe we will be independent of that bad Prezilnut Bush soon.
very good post kid! and I love your happy photo
tell gramma that Dianne said thanks for the visit and the mention
gramma is pretty cool isn't she!
Gramma is the coolest and I heart her too. ;)
There are now 199 days to the end of BushCo..Praise Buddha!
Justice and Humanity so true! I will refrain on commenting on that because it is our Birthday and seeing your cute Granddaughter makes even my day. I hope you are with her and having a nice 4th of July!
I've posted some positive Americana for you!
I'm still working on my cynical negative Americana post, but of course that one won't be for you.
Jesse Helms died today, and it is Barack Obama's daughter's birthday. All irrelevant, I know. Happy 4th everybody.
I luv prezilnuts with my dicktaters, followed by lotza wadder so I don dewaterate. Honestly, Diva, your granddaughter is so cute, she's a perfect antidote for whatever ails 'ya!
She's growing up so fast!
Oh, I finally followed through! ; )
Beautiful grandchild,
Beautiful post,
Beautiful grandmother!
Thank you.
Just don't tell her that McCain might be replacing Chimpy!
Dive, I have been out of action for a couple of days, and am reading down and back to catch up. You are a mighty fine blogger. And like Randal, I think you should protect her for the news that things could get worse.
Your granddaughter is beautifully happy as should be. Just let her enjoy her childhood and be there to teach and enjoy her and help as needed. Take care!
Dianne, you had a great post there. Thank Pagan Sphinx!
Dusty, the end cannot come soon enough.
Jim, I'm not in Chicago, which is why I am homesick.
Blueberry, vintage Harry Carey. Thank you! Oh, and I thought Jesse Helms died years ago - only someone forgot to tell the SOB.
DK, she's a pistol, that's for sure. And a very happy child.
Coffee, not only is she growing up, she actually asks for coffee. She doesn't GET it, but she asks.
FranIAm, thank you, thank you.
Randal, you just scared me. The THOUGHT of McCain puts me off my balance.
Utah, I hope your headache is gone at last!
Thanks, Jim.
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