Normally, this is Granddaughter blogging day for me. However, I have spent the better part of three days trying to get some software downloaded and the fucking download kept timing out. Finally, yesterday, I tried again and it worked! So then I called the help desk because I needed more information for the installation. That all went well, until I went to sign in. There was a firewall, something preventing me from logging in, some license agreement bullshit. So I call the office, and they try to conference me with the help desk. But that kept disconnecting, as K. doesn't really know how to do the conference call thing. So she tells me she'll call me back. She talks to the same three people I talked to, and finally the one guy says, "You know, it would be a whole lot easier if she just uses 'GoToMyPC'."
Well, fuck me sideways. Where's my easy button?

Have you tried doing your job with a pen, paper and an abacus instead? Sure, everything might take longer, but at least you wouldn't have to call the abacus repair dude - on the aluminum can/string phone, bien sûr - until the little wooden counters cracked.
I bet Beanie knows where the "easy button" is!?! I admire your perseverence. Me, I'd have committed computercide. Artificial intelligence, my arse!
Randal, if an abacus would store someone's address and phone number, I would be so there except for the part about I can't actually understand an abacus.
DK, I have my own easy button at work, which I press periodically, but it did not seem to help. Until the suggestion about GoToMyPC. Now THAT is easy.
I swear, some days. I hate that for you. All that wasted time!
(some kind of transition here that I can't muster right now)
Is that your granddaughter? How adorable!
DCup, that is my granddaughter. She's hilarious.
Damn, I left a comment about how I have an easy button and it has nothing to do with the computer...and then some stuff about grandchildren (yours is Adorable with a capital "A"!) and it disappeared! I hate computers.
Anyway...that's it for now, the weekend drinking officially begins for me in (tick tick tick tick).....4 minutes.
Mary Ellen, and you wonder why I want to take an axe to my machine.
divagood- LOL! Yeah...I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to throw this computer through the nearest window. I will conquer this machine...if it's the last thing I do on this earth, I WILL CONQUER! Or, I'll go out and have a beer and deal with it later.
CUBS WIN, CUBS WIN. I'm just saying that my priorities are clear.
That child is gorgeous!
Your hell-desk experiences... well, that sucked for you. So sorry!
Sometimes I imagine taking my laptop and throwing it through the window. It's very cathartic.
Ellie Bean is cute as ever.
i have an intense dislike for service people. not because i don't admire what they do- but they have zero social and communication skills and i swear most days the online help desks are manned (or womanned) by 12 year olds. no common sense or ability to problem solve. and that's a wee bit of a problem at a help desk :)
That is one cute kid!
Sorry I haven't been around but you know how the family stuff dominates. I'm trying to catch up a bit with comments tonight.
I hope you're doing well.
What time does your "shift" end?
Personal joke, read my blog post to understand it.
Your Granddaughter is indeed beautiful and everything's still easybuttons for her. Let's hope by the time she's using these machines we'll just have to tell them what we want and it will be done. Wasn't that the way it was supposed to be?
Thank for linking me. I'd just dropped by to grab your url (sounds obscene, doesn't it?) Now I have a story to draw and hope the pencil is in easy mode today.
ditto what everyone else said! especially that smarty pants Randal (I hear he really is smart btw) and that is such a cute picture of your grandbaby!
Addresses and phone numbers? That's what chiseling on the walls of caves is for.
liberality, you heard wrong. But little kids are great, aren't they? Then they grow up. ;-)
Diva, I was the worlds least computer savvy person until..whose laughing? I hear you laughing at me. Well, then, smarties pants, I got introduced to the world's best IT guy. I hope he isn't reading this, he might not like the IP thingy, I have no idea what an IP is, but now he's my Administrator. We have late night ichats after all the 14 hour a day folks have stopped needing him. So, na, na, na, na na, na. Ask your granddaught for a translation of that last bit. it's kid code.
And talk about hidden code--the code word I have to type to allow me to comment says rupulp. Is that some kind of a joke. Am I pulp? Well, probably.
Ya gotta love how easy computers have made the working world, don't ya? ; (
FranIAm, that's an old picture of Beanie, but thanks. As for the hell desk, just shoot me.
Robin, can I join you? Oh, wait, there's a really long line. No, sorry, that line is for the iPhone.
Betmo, is THAT where all the twelve year olds go? No, this particular group is all adult, and they are actually real people in Los Angeles. But the whole issue was a conundrum.
Pagan, how is your mother handling the visit? Hugs to you, my dear.
Fran, not soon enough. I responded at your place.
Susan, thank you - and yes, grabbing one's url does sound a bit kinky. Oh, well.
Lib, Randal? Smart? Is that merely half a word? ;) But he does speak french.
Randal, you know there is a thing you can do when the kids become teens: put them in deep freeze until they are 28, and then take them out. You've missed the annoying years, and they're all adult and everything. Just a tip from your friendly help desk.
Utah, would I laugh at your computer skills? Nay, never. Not I (hee hee hee). And I speak fluent three-year-old now. Oh, and lest I forget, the help desk had to explain things to me three times, slowly. Me: "What's an IP address?" Help Desk: "Sigh."
Coffee, I think computers are why each cup of Starbucks is completely the same...
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