Lou Dobbs wants to add Rotten Tomatoes to articles of Impeachment against Bush.
You know, I have heard a lot of reasons over the years as to why George W. Bush should be impeached. But for them to leave the Food and Drug Administration in this state, its leadership in this sorry condition and to have no capacity apparently or will to protect the American consumer -– that is alone to me sufficient reason to impeach a president who has made this agency possible and has ripped its guts out in its ability to protect the American consumer.Look, Lou, if it takes tainted vegetables to get this guy's ass out of office, I'm all for it. I mean, obviously torturing prisoners isn't enough; lying his way into an illegal war isn't enough. The meltdown after Katrina wasn't enough. Maybe it will be tomatoes.
lou is too full of himself
i wrote a post bout him ,last year
Torrance, Lou is irrelevant. But my god, if it take tomatoes to get this sucker impeached, so be it.
Oh great. Now I'm going to have the theme song of that goddamn movie in my head all day.
Never trust a Cubs fan.
Randal, I am still blaming Cleveland for the Viet Nam War, so we're even!
I don't watch Lou. Perhaps he meant it in a kind of straw-that-broke-the-camels-ass kind of way? Last I watched him, he was raving about border fences. Attack of the Killer Fence-Jumpers!
DK, I think he meant it in a kind of "I'm-not-really-paying-attention-because-I'm-too-busy-screaming" kind of way.
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