A 5.8, near Chino Hills is the biggest quake I have felt since moving here. It felt like it went on for two minutes - was probably only 30, 40 seconds - big, rolling waves - a bit scary since our office is quite a distance from Chino Hills - am a little bit "car-sick" from it. Scary. While I realize it isn't a huge quake, 5.8 is big. I have lost my earthquake virginity.
You ok?
Ah, so you felt the 'Earth Move'?
I remember losing my virginity. the whole car moved.
Seriously, I hope everything is okay. Hang on for aftershocks.
Okjimm, I'm okay, just a tiny bit motion sick - it was wierd. And yes, I did feel the earth move. Hee hee.
Dcup, thanks - it's the folks in the epicenter who really have issues. It was felt as far east as Las Vegas, south to San Diego - it was big.
It's a plot by your Presidential contenders to take you out! I'm telling you, they're running scared now that you've entered the race.
Seriously, I'm glad to know that you're okay -- except for the frayed nerves. Hope all your loved ones are well, too. :^)
Divajood, my dear, just checking in on you. Someone was dissing L.A. about the earthquakes once. I could only retort, "I neither trust ground that doesn't move nor air I can't see."
Someone in my office said, "Well, at least you know hurricanes are coming." She forgot to add more people are injured in hurricanes, tornadoes, and snow than earthquakes.
Whoopeee! That was fun. Luckily, we weren't close to the epicenter or I wouldn't be so snarky. :)
The biggest quake I've ever felt was that 4 point something we had back in the mid-80s. 5.8 would be quite different! Any firemen show up?
Spartacus, our cell phones just came back up. Do you think that Dr. Z and GG would have manipulated the earth like this? Or, more likely, it was McCain.
Stella, thank you for checking - honest to god, I am shaking still - and no where near the epicenter. What am I going to do when we get a REAL biggie? However, I would rather that than a tornado - I am phobic about tornadoes, they are really scary.
Randal - no firemen, not in my area - except for the three who went into Albertsons to get their grocieries, and I did say hello to them, they were mighty damn cute.
My kitties went apeshit! Quite a shake down huh Diva? I don't like it when the ground moves...maybe I'm just weird.
You're funny! It is not something I would want to experience. They were saying it is revised to a 5.4 though that does not change the frightening experience other than some water bubbling up they have not shown any damage. Glad they were gentle on you for your first time you riot!
Bradda, how close were you to Chino Hills? Really scared me, I admit it.
Patriot, it went from a 5.4 to 5.8 - that was the revision - and tons of aftershocks.
Diva, I'm sure they had a hand in this. It's dastardly I tell ya! But I'm really glad you're okay, missing firemen notwithstanding.
And Bradda? Holy crap dude! I totally forgot you're a West Coastie from LA-LA land. I hope all is well by you, too.
I'm glad you're OK.
I have lost my earthquake virginity.
Well, I hope it had the decency to at least buy you dinner. And perhaps some flowers.
Spartacus, then they are evil and cruel peoples, only two peoples gramma. Sorry, I digress.
cdp, thank you. Not sure about okay, as I was a natural blonde before we got shook up, but no damage.
dr. know - dammit. It did not. Merely rolled around and disappeared. How like an earthquake.
It was a sign from God...
I knew I shouldn't have told anybody about the thong underwear on Holy Days of Obligation.
I'm going to Confession, and this time I'm not going to lie about my sins, I'm going to tell the priest the real juicy ones.
Mary Ellen, I can promise you that Metatron did not speak to me at all prior, during, nor after the quake.
Thanks Spatacus! All is well.
Diva, I'm in Culver City so more West from the epicenter but that didn't stop my place from shaking like crazy. Living out here is an adventure to say the LEAST!
Bradda, you're same distance as me - I'm in Torrance. Honest to god, it felt like it was never going to stop - Culver City is a great little city!
I'm still a virgin. heh heh.
Glad you're OK.
Blueberry, do they have earthquakes in Texas? If so, perhaps there could be one in Crawford, one that might just swallow up a certain ranch.
We won't need an earthquake Diva as GWB will sell the "ranch" after he leaves office. He doesn't have to act like a cowboy anymore and can go back to being his old rich, elitist, hedonistic self.
so sorry...they soooo suck...I am glad that you are okay....it sounds big enuf...enuf to leave you feeling sick....take care... ( I had them when I was out west... I think my biggest one was 6.1 ?....does not matter - they all suck...)
okay gotta correct what I said- 6.8...but shit anything over 5 is scary...jus sayin'....
Did it go "pop?" Was there blood? Do you want to do it again?
I'm just glad everyone is OK...I was in a big one once...I think it reminds us that life really isn't something to take for granted.
and of course, that it is not the size of the earthquake that counts, yada yada yadya.
I think you just have to maximize this to use it for your campaign.
Diva is a mover & shaker... 5.8 on the Richter scale!
Glad to hear no injuries.
I'm no virgin either.... I experienced a small CA earthquake while camping. We thought someone was pushing the camper from outside. Grocery stores had items scatter off the shelves.
I grew up in California, so I am kind of used to earthquakes. It is interesting to note that the largest earthquake probably ever recorded in the United States was actually in Missouri.
You were conned by photos at Dr Know's site -- here is what I tried to post in reply -- thanks for reading this. I look forward to your reply.
Dr Know, it is pretty obvious that the name does not really signify that you know anything. The photos, while often pushed on the world by the anti-depleted uranium crusade started by Saddam Hussein in 1993 when his regime was tiring of the UN Sanctions that ended the Gulf War and wanted to bully the world into dropping them, have nothing to do with DU - they are of the Harlequin Fetal Syndrome (Harlequin_type_ichthyosis) a rare genetic condition that according to Wikipedia has been known since the 1750's. Before you go ranting about the horrors of DU again, go read something other than anti-depleted uranium crusade propaganda; start with some of the material at these links http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/DUStory/message/76 or perhaps go to the excellent video of dinner served on the bright orange Art Deco Fiesta Ware plate glazed with depleted uranium complete with Geiger counter exhibition at the end.
I think all you Californians should move to Nevada, just to be sure. And that way, you can fill the Minister of UFO position with a real live alien.
diva, have you actually seen Dogma? 'cause Rickman is pretty damn good in it.
Bradda, that's true. He's got property down in Paraguey, or Brazil, or somesuch.
Enigma, all my friends were like "Ho-hum, the chandeliers are rolling." I, on the other hand, had never felt anything quite like it. The quake at the epicenter was all of 20 seconds; the farther away you were, the longer it lasted - so for us in Torrance, it rolled for about 2 minutes. But it was 5.4, not 5.8. Minor damage in Chino Hills - they have been up to code for a long time.
Madame Z, no, no, and yes. It was like a scary amusement park ride.
Maria, that's hilarious. Not the size, indeed. But it's amazing how blase people around me were.
Dr. Z, you are one of those blase people, I knew it. And yes, the New Madrid Fault which affects St. Louis is the most volitile fault line in the USA - but doesn't go off too often. In Chicago, we would get some 4.3 quakes, they felt like the subway going past. My brother went to St. Louis University in St. Louis and went through a 5.8 there - he said it was scary.
Roger, thank you for your links. I will take a look.
Randal, not only have I seen Dogma, I loved it. When I saw it in theater upon release, I went with two Catholic friends who were appalled. They saw no humor, no faith - they thought it was completely blasphemous. I, on the other hand, thought it was brilliant and hilarious. Everyone was great in it. And the only thing I thought was blasphemous was a dickless Alan Rickman.
DivaJood, you have been sucked into the Shill Zone. Sorry about attracting the nut job. Here is my response to Mr. Roger's screed left at my blog:
Well, Mr. Lt. Col. Roger Helbig, USAF, Rtd,
Pretty big of you to visit with your pseudo-anonymous Option One dial-up connection from Richmond, CA and start shilling for the Pentagon and its Nuclear Waste cronies; and further, for adopting an insulting attitude right off the bat.
Fuck You for that. If you had bothered to read the original story in which I explained the rational supporting my conclusion that DU is an unacceptable, dangerous munition -- particularly when dumped, en masse, on civilian populations -- you might have adopted a less confrontational attitude.
And I would beseech you to do so again, but it would obviously be a waste of time since you seem to spend an unhealthy portion of your time searching the Internet for occurrences of the phrase "Depleted Uranium". I hope you are being paid commensurate to your degree of obsession since being canned as a contractor by the Navy - Not.
As most of your arguments have been debunked already, including the fact that the Alpha/Beta radiation can be blocked by imbedding in other materials as insignificant as paper (thus addressing your Magical Plate agitprop), I will not bother to address them again.
They've Sent Helbig After Me
DUmb and dumber -- Roger meets Ace
Depleted Uranium -- Poisoning the Good Earth
Read down a bit for some hearsay background info on Roger.
Update on Depleted Uranium and Gulf War Syndrome
Fairly non-biased report on DU.
Have a nice day. ;-)
Incidentally, the "Fiesta Ware Plate" (discontinued in 1947) clown-boy mentions above was colored with Uranium Oxide (naturally occuring), not Depleted Uranium (man-made isotope). Additionally, the Geiger counter used measured Gamma radiation, not Alpha or Beta. Apples and Oranges all the way around.
phew...glad the earth did not swallow you whole...what to do without a candidate?? Anyhow..am still stumped on that speech..I have a few sentences and voila..my kids (stay at home mom, kids no nothing of office boundaries..would catnip help?? or the equivalent thereof??[g])...
anyhow..no sentence gets finished at this point..but..don't give up on me.. still digging up dirt I mean..still working on sentence number...
Let's see: I was in the 7.2 Northridge quake, and in 1987 there was the 6.0 quake, and the 6.8 shaker in 1971. If drknow lost his earthquake virginity, does that make ground-shaking slut?
Nevada? Too damn hot, randal. Besides, I tried to leave twice and came screaming home. And, yes, I've seen Dogma and loved the movie. Pardon my maudlin side coming out, but George Carlin made a great cardinal! I sure miss his wisdom.
I lost my earthquake viginity in Longbeach, circa 1987, but nothing as severe as 8.7 -- more like rolling tremors. But I'm still waiting till California tumbles into the sea; that'll be the day I go back to Annandale.
How's this for earthquake virginity?
I prefer the slow wave-like rolling we experienced the other day to the frenetic shaking kind of quake. This one had a mellow feel to it.
I was in Fry's Electronics in Fountain Valley. All the router boxes and cylindrical CD cases started flying off the shelves. Good times.
The REAL way to feel the earth move. ;)
Well, at least your first time was earth-shattering.
I'm glad you're ok.
Ingrid, no worries. Randal just tripled your salary.
Stella, you are just an earthquake pro - me, I'm just such a newbie. I mean, getting seasick - what a weenie I turned out to be.
Agi, maybe I am lucky that it was that wavy rolly thing - I think I would have had a panic attack at the big jolting kind.
Swinebread, no kidding. Although, chocolate helps too.
Pagan, another groaner! Hilarious.
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