I know it looks like I am intently watching Keith Olbermann on television but really I'm not, because he's on way past my bedtime and I have to have my bath at night and all that. No, I'm watching something really interesting about fish and colors and shapes. My gramma Ah Em had to have her cats scanned yesterday and they put dye into her and that made her all hot like she was on fire but she said that the cats sound like a washing machine in the spin cycle. She said her blood had to have tests too and she is waiting to find out if it passed, or if she has to do something else. But she is getting really good at sudoku. I have to go play now. Oh, but first I want to drink some milk. Isn't my gramma Ah Em great at translating what I say to you? My fish Nemo is waiting for me. Bye bye.
Hey beanie-- thanks for updating us on what's been going on with your gramma. I hope everything is okay. Keep us posted.
I hope Ah Em's cats were scanned real good and that she passes all of her tests today. You tell Ah Em I want to give her a big hug on the parts that aren't sore.
I just put my cats in the washer on the spin cycle. Is that what you meant. They are squawking a lot but I have one of those nice front loaders without the twisty thingie in the center and if it can was my scanty panties without any harm the cats should make out fine.
That sweet, sweet child! Hope the cats are ok.
Robin, Beanie said that she is busy eating green beans now. I'm waiting impatiently for results.
Karena, thank you. You're my peeps.
Pursey, not so much. Does that rank close to the grandmother who put the month old baby through Airport Security X-Ray?
PC Mary, so do I. Patience is not my strong suit.
very sweet! hope everything turned out ok!
Oh sweet Beanie... give gramma big hugs and lots of TLC over the phone.
Wow, they even scanned Ah Em's cats! That, I must say, is something new. Is that the whole body or just the head?
I am truly in a bit of a confusion here for not knowing whether to wish positive or negative results for you. Where would the negative result lead to and would that be even worse than damn Fibro? How is your stamina and is there any change in the pains departement?
I keep still doing my nightly cure-all dancing, practised by Lappish shamans for centuries, for you. Since I don't have raindeer antlers available, it might not be very effective, though. Besides, the bastides downstairs are collecting names to get me thrown out.
Betmo, thanks. I admit to being a tad worried.
Tina, Beanie is doing all that and more. Her favorite things to say are still Doggie, Ah Em, Hi, Aginaginagin (again), and to this she's added Needo (Nemo) and Dye-dye (bye-bye).
Pekka, not the head, they scanned my liver. My abdomen. It's getting more complex, and I'm just not going to pay too much attention to it right now, other than to show up for appointments and tests. EEEKKK. I'm sorry about your neighbors taking names. Perhaps you should limit it to just burning sage and sweet grass.
I love to see this baby...her vocabulary is priceless...like her Ah Em. You take care and be sure to keep us posted...thinking good thoughts for you.
Thanks Sumo. Happy holidays!
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