SB Gypsy sent this image of winter in a wetlands:

and also this amazing contrast (and wish for warmer days), a perfect rose:

In keeping with the wish for warmer weather, AM sent this one of Spring Sunlight in Northwest Washington. She said of all the photos she took in 2006, this was her favorite. I can see why:

Pam of Tortise Trails sent this sweet little cottontail. I love bunnies, I think they're adorable:

Robin Andrea sent this Bushtit. She writes "I thought I was photographing a Golden-crowned Kinglet because I've been trying to catch one for a few weeks now. When I downloaded the photos, I took a good look and thought, no way, that's not it. But it turned out to be this rather beautiful little bird."

From my travels, another image from Bhutan. It is truly one of my favorite places on earth:

Yankee, Transferred (AKA Yankee Transplant) sent this in a homesick moment. She writes "Here is a photo I took in Boston in February of 1990. I love this photo, and it makes me miss Boston, although I prefer to see this scene from inside, with a cup of hot chocolate warming my hands." I get it.

Liza sent this in today, an image of trees at Loch Lomond (a reservoir) in the Santa Cruz Mountains. I love California. It's a beautiful state, no matter where you are.

Susannah sent two urban sunset photos:

Hosting Good Planets has been a wonderful experience on so many levels. First, the contributions are amazing - there are incredible photographers out in the blogsphere, people with both an eye for the beauty of this earth and the heart and soul to protect that beauty. I applaud all of you. Second, because it lets us all go visit places that we'd not thought about, and I mean both the subject of the photographs AND the blogs of the photographers. And last, because it has helped me with some techincal skills.
This is the last Good Planets of 2006. Laura takes over the Gallery for January 2007. Please email her at lc-hardy AT comcast DOT net - even if you've never visited her blog, if you have an image to share, jump right in.
Thank you all, and especially to Robin Andrea and Roger for getting this gallery started back in August!
Sorry I didn't get a picture in this week, I really love this series and would like to thank you for hosting it. I really liked "Yankee, Transferred's" picture, reminds me I'd like to see some snow. Although I live upstate, and we've had snow two or three time so far (nothings stuck), downstate in the city they've had NO snow the whole month. The last time that happened was 1877.
Thank you for hosting Good Planets, divajood. It's been wonderful coming over on Saturdays and taking a peek at the beauty of our earth.
This is a great Carnival. I'll submit next month.
Beautiful pics, as always!
*sigh* So beautiful. Seeing those pictures after your last post is quite poignant. Our world is indeed quite lovely. I hope it survives the current crop of humanity.
Beauty, such beauty.
beautiful photos as always and a reminder I need to get outside with my camera!
Wonderful photos everyone. Thank you, DJ, for assembling them for us to view this month!
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