Jurassicpork of Welcome to Pottersville and Alicia of Last Left Turn Before Hooterville have teamed up to create an updated version of "It's a Wonderful Life", featuring George Failey and all his friends.
It is absolutely brilliant! Jurassicpork wrote it all, Alicia did the images, and I will NEVER be able to see that film in its original form again without snickering.
Ya, that one's getting a Koufax Award. Awesome.
I loved the "lazier than a dead sloth" line. The whole thing was fantastic and well worth the read. I couldn't post a comment, so I hope they stop by and get my accolades.
You can post a comment at my place, Mary.
Frederick, what are Koufax Awards? Whatever they are, JP and Alica deserve many kudos for this post. It is a brilliant, brilliant piece.
PC Mary, I had trouble posting there at first too. Also, I tried to link from Pottersville, however, it required a google account - too complex. I had to link another way.
And Jurassicpork, thanks for visiting. It was an incredible piece, and I'm glad I found you.
Thanks for the props and the link.
Quick blogging culture crunch: The Koufax Awards are hosted by Wampum and t's like the Academy Awards for Left Wing blogs like ours. I did miserably last year. Hopefully, I'll find my way on the radar this year.
Koufax Awards
Talking about having a trouble posting. First time in my entire life, I said something profound and totally beneficial for the whole human kind which could have changed everything. Didn't show up, I see, and of life of me I can't remember now what it was. Consider it as your loss! :)
Jurassicpork's master piece in it's sheer brilliance is worth minimum of the Booker, maybe the Nobel.
JP, you are most welcome. Thanks for the explanation on the Koufax Awards - and good luck. Maybe we should take out an ad somewhere, saying "For Your Consideration"... (wait. It's been done.) You and Alicia certainly deserve recognition, as this is one brilliant piece of work.
Frederick, thank you for the link - and well, I LOVED Sandy Koufax. Do winners have to take Yom Kippur off? Because Sandy would not pitch on the High Holidays.
Pekka - Bummer. How frustrating is that? Were you posting via Cingular wireless?
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