I'm not sure I really get all this. Lethal Injection is used for execution of prisoners in 37 states. Currently, Governors including The Governator of California, and Shrub's Brother Jeb of Florida have suspended executions because of a number of serious problems with how the death penalty is implemented, including inconsistent and unreliable screening of execution team members; poorly trained staff; inconsistent and unreliable recordkeeping of drugs used in the process; improper mixing, preparation and administration of drugs by the execution team; overcrowded conditions; and poorly designed facilities in which the execution team must work.
Meanwhile, Dr. Jack Kervorkian is being released on parole in June. Kervorkian claimed he had participated in 130 assisted suicides; Kevorkian committed euthanasia on a patient, videotaped the act, and sent the tape to 60 Minutes, which promptly aired it.
He was speedily convicted of second-degree murder in March, 1999, and sentenced to 10 to 25 years, far above normal guidelines. He's served more time than some people do who murder family members in the heat of passion.
So. Convicted murderers, rapists, child molesters have the right to die with dignity and not suffer "cruel and unusual punishment." But someone who has been kept alive by modern medicine after all quality of life is gone is not allowed that same right, and anyone who assists in their right to die is committing a criminal act. How does that work again?
Though patients may suffer horribly in their final days, the Judeo-Christian tradition of this country dictates that we must sustain life at any cost, so that the survivors feel no guilt, (sin), at not having "saved" them.
Diva...you know how I feel about it. It's my life...and I have the right to decided how I'll end it if it is under the circumstances like this would imply. If I ran into a block wall I don't think I'd need assisted death. If I'm terminal and in pain...I want to shuffle off to Buffalo when I want to...not when somebody decided the time isn't up yet for the next pain pill. Go Jack!
As for the executions, it's the Old Testament Christian haunting us again with the eye for an eye blind behavior. When, in fact, if one is truly a follower of Christ, they are forbidden to follow that teaching. I do like your comparison of the two situations. It just goes to show how twisted our thinking really is.
I cannot explain how this works but I can say this, I am totally opposed to the death penalty in all cases and totally support physician assisted suicide. Peacechick, this story does show how twisted our thinking in society really is.
By the way, that photo is fabulous. I do not seem to recall this episode. Why is Lucy passed out?
hi y'all. Here's a solution. Maybe they should get Jack Kervorkian to coordinate all the executions by lethal injection.
I'm anti-death penalty; and I'm for assisted suicide. But if we are going to have executions of criminals, and if we're so bloody concerned with their rights, then we owe the same courtesy to people who have no quality of life left. A friend of mine just died from ALS, and he had a form that actually began with his speech. He choked to death. Why was he not allowed the dignity to choose his death?
oh, and Karena, Lucy is passed out trying to 'splain this absurdity of thinking that is prevalant in our nation.
The Government sanctioned killing of it's citizens is absolutely abhorrent to me and I don't even try to understand it. Google sometimes to see in what type of countries such a barbaric act is still considered OK, and I guarantee you will not be happy about the company you keep. I also believe in dignified end and every human's right to say when enough is enough. By the way, I do not consider these examples to be two totally different things but more or less of two sides of the same coin.
Pekka, I don't understand it either. But worse, why allow the death penalty when a humane end to suffering is considered illegal?
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