Leading off: Dawn sent this incredible image of a Pileated Woodpecker. The intense red of his head just blows me away.

This is a butterfly I saw, don't have a clue what kind it is, but again, it's the red that gets me. I love the purity of color.

Donnie McDaniel lives in Louisiana, and his big awakening came from Hurricane Katrina. This is a shot of a riverside campsite he recently stayed at on a short vacation, up in northern Louisiana. I love how peaceful it is.

From Marc in Australia comes this image of Cloudy Bay. He writes: A low tide rivulet at Cloudy Bay at the southern end of Bruny Island. At the far end of the beach is the most amazing little camp ground... only accessible at low tide. Aah, the bliss of having ones movements restricted by the regular movements of the solar system.

Marc also sent this beauty of one of my favorite places in Australia, The Freycinet Peninsula of Tasmania, Australia:

From Pam at Tortise Trails comes this Grand Canyon image, taken from Southwest Airlines flight from Tucson to Vancouver:

And Robin Andrea of Dharma Bums sent this rainbow. She writes: I
went out to take pity on our little birds who were scurrying around
looking for food, when I looked up I saw this amazing double
rainbow. Unfortunately, the second lighter one didn't make it to the
image, but it was there. Our entire yard was under this magnificent
arc. It was truly a beautiful sight, especially the tips of the trees
that were bathed in the morning sunlight.

Mary, from Get Your Own sent four images, (two will be on NEXT weekend's Good Planets), starting with this knockout of Wetlands on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I cannot believe the light. Wow.

She also sent this one of Assateague Island. When I was a child, my favorite book was Misty of Chincoteague, and I imagine that this image of Assateague looks much the same.

From SB Gypsy comes this quiet image of Eagleville Resevoir:

Two lovely images from Tree:
First, taken in Cades Corner in the Smokey Mountains:

And also from the Smokey Mountains:

Peacechick Mary sent this. She writes here's a fire vine that adds a flash of color and the birds love the seeds. Just think, many of the birds who live with our Northern friends,
dine right here while on winter vacation.

From Susannah comes this wonderful red in a parking lot - even urban areas have their beauty:

Send next weekend's photos to me a jkblue AT cox DOT net. Have a great weekend, everybody!
Thank you, divajood, for compiling these fine photos. What great light and color. Such pretty birds and butterflies. We do live on such a beautiful planet.
Wow! Quite an enjoyable voyage across our planet.
It's my tradition to change my desktop picture when these come out. Which one? Difficult decision, but I chose the Wetlands from Mary. I always consider this a big treat for the week, so thank you for the treat.
Such wonderful pictures of our planet. What a delight!
Ditto Donnie.
I am just getting my digital camera stuff installed on the computer and learning how to use it and what not. Maybe I could get a photo to you, who knows.
Thanks, everyone, for sharing these beautiful pictures of our beautiful planet. My word, there is no description.
very lovely. Thanks again, Ms. Divajood
Great ensemble of pics. Nautre and color too.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Such color and diversity. I too like the woodpecker. That shot couldn't have been easy to get!
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